Friday, December 21, 2007

My N + 1'th attempt at a blog..

I always start with loads of enthusiasm.On an intellectual High or after having followed some particularly refreshing train of thought..i feel like writing it down somewhere.Give my thoughts Shape.An existence.

But then comes naming the blog.Well,if my blog is going to be one i'm going to regularly post in(as intended),It should be pretty good shodunnit?I named one LifeIsSoComplicatedFuckIt , another IncoherentRamblingsOfAnAddledBrain and yet another ThoughtlessThoughts...
As you can see (especially with the last one),I was definitely getting bugged i said-Whats in a name anyway? and tried THAT out only to find that TOO had been taken,so i added an eh and there i am .Successfully named.Christened.Whatever.

I tried out loads of combinations before that,i tried RequeimForABlog (i loved the movie,Requiem For A Dream),but found out that some smart ass had taken that(now i cant see why i didnt expect it,there s a serious surplus of blogs,even with the unimaginative zillions),tried out IncoherentRamblings(Taken) and a few more,but nope. No success

Then,after all that,i had to give a Title too.Now,i was too bugged by then,and i restrained myself from giving the computer the ol' one-two and so just named it some crap.

And then ,the first post.Well,all the enthusiasm's been definitely taken out by now.So i end up writing a Crappy first post describing a Crappy blog creation.Maybe i should have titled it Crap.Or maybe Crappiest Blog Ever.Maybe i should go dip my head in elephant shit.Maybe you should too.
Ah well.
If you are reading this,at least i aint the most jobless. :-)


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