Monday, May 12, 2008

Summer Plans...A Bucket List of Sorts.

I have a summer stretching before me in the sweltering heat of Kanpur, and as usual i have loads of ideas or things i COULD do.

But mostly we end up not remembering or not i am going to make a list of things i Could do in the summer,and at the end of it we could have a progress report :)

~Get a B in the course,Somehow.
~Gliding,log some hours in there,
~Read some good novels.
~Check out Sandman,graphic novels, manga etc (Book Club/Net).
~Watch Movies,Documentaries,Critically acclaimed stuff in the form of video.
~Listen to a variety of musikk!
~Learn Photography online,
~Go on photography tours of campus.
~Make a movie!That would be fun.
~Get around Kanpur,Go touring a few places nearby.
~WRITE.The novel idea,and also submitting articles online for various places...
~Learn the Guitar basics(Ketan's and Bhatele's if there).
~Synth (Amit Nayak's?Should be there).
~Help out in the Minimum Wage Volunteers stuff!
~Learn Photoshop and/0r Corel Draw and/or Movie editing.
~BLOG!Get the blog to hit off the big tym.
~The comics idea?Do something about it!
~Distance Education!C'mon!
~Play Football,Badminton,Tennis Phatta etc etc.
~Do some good work in Antaragni Marketing,Techriti PR.
~Do the F'in Crossword Regularly!
~Gym!?!If Jobless!.

Will keep editing this list as idea's keep popping up :)


Ashish said...

ahhhhhh ur doing gliding no matter what. do that first and then concentrate on the others! and the list is too long, it should be a list of things to do before u leave IIT instead :)

Anish said...

gr8...saketh's getting organized!! ;)
enjoy enjoy. make a list of what you actually could do by the end of the summer term. that should be interesting.
now I clicked on your google ads, have some shame and visit my blog will'ya? Commenting is compulsory! :)