Wednesday, April 23, 2008



I've just given my Physics exam..and all i can think about right now is that i've passed Physics,and am definitely passing all the others,and i'm fuckin relieved.I'm not an iota bothered about my passin and thats it!

Funny.How many people would share my outlook?Barely any.In fact,the majority of people had already passed based on just mid-semester exams...lolz.And these people like studies ,what,7-8 hours right from a week before?Thats like an under-estimation.All to get that elusive 'A' ,or,if u are not chappu,a 'B'.Woo,just thinkin of that makes me laugh like mad.I mean,here i am happy with a 'D'.

Life is all rosy again.No tension.No stress. :)


Unknown said...

Welcome to the club machan!!!

Ashish said...

no more exams for 4 months woohoo!!!!